Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I know this is over a month late...but better late than never right?

Noah and Levi had two new boats of their own to take camping this year. First was this "mouse boat" my brother made as a gift for the two of them. It was a big hit and Noah loved giving rides to all the littler kids.
Their second boat was this inflatable two man kayak that they save up for almost a year to buy and did all kinds of extra work to earn the money for. It's kinda small for two adults - tho Michael and I have taken it out. For two kids it's great - altho Noah and Levi never agree on how to paddle etc. So we had lots of arguments.

Noah thought he was pretty cool having his own "leatherman" so he spent lots of time around the campfire carving on a stick.

We had enough food to feed an army. Here are three of the 5 coolers we brought with us (for 6 adults and 6 kids).

Here's the family - maybe next year we can bring Silas with us too.

My little native

I guess I should be happy he has clothes on - my boys seem to be alergic to clothing. This is a set that was left from when Matt and Michael were little. Obviously the play value endures.