Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rice cereal

Noah has been so excited for Silas to try real food. So just for fun last night we decided to try his first rice cereal. At first he seemed O.K. with it. Willing to try something knew but confused as to why mommy was giving him thick milk on a spoon when he would have preferred a bottle.His reactions quickly changed. He started gagging and making the craziest we were trying to poison him... Noah was shrieking with laughter, he thought all these reactions were awesome. He was my little photographer:
But he kept opening his mouth for more even while letting his disgust be made known.
Finally, I just let him have the spoon to play with and he liked that MUCH better. I'm thinking we may wait a bit before we try solid food again. I know Levi had similar reactions, and we gave him a couple weeks and he started loving it and sucking it down with his thumb.

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